You know Tom? He's had his time in the spotlight, time to move over! For a delicious twist on the classic Tom Collins cocktail, we substituted a classic simple syrup for Split Tree Grapefruit Cordial to bring you a Grapefruit Collins. By the end of this one, you won't even remember his name.
Grapefruit Collins
1.5 oz Local Harvest Gin
1 oz Lemon Juice
1.5 oz Split Tree Grapefruit Cordial
Fever Tree Club Soda (or sparkling water!)
Fresh Grapefruit
1. Fill a tall collins glass with ice
2. Pour in Local Harvest Gin, lemon juice & Split Tree Grapefruit Cordial
3. Top with Fever Tree Club Soda (or sparkling water!) & stir
4. Garnish with a grapefruit slice, dipped in sugar & fresh thyme
5. Take a picture of your masterpiece and tag us on Facebook / Instagram.
6. Enjoy!
We'd love to hear what you think! Drop your comments below.
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