Raspberry Moonshine Mojito


This cocktail packs a punch. Our 100 Proof Corn Whisky (aka Moonshine!) is an un-aged white whisky that mixes wonderfully with the tart raspberries, and sweet Split Tree Raspberry Mint Syrup in this bold take on a classic cocktail. 

Raspberry Moonshine Mojito 


1.5 oz 100 Proof Corn Whisky

1 oz Split Tree Raspberry Mint Syrup

1/2 oz Lime Juice

Fresh Mint

Fresh Raspberries

Fever-Tree Soda (Or sparkling water!) 


1. Place lime juice, 3 fresh raspberries, and 3 fresh mint leaves in a rocks glass & lightly muddle to release flavours 

2. Fill the glass with ice

3. Stir in 100 Proof Corn Whisky & Split Tree Raspberry Mint Syrup

4. Top with Fever-Tree Soda (Or sparkling water!) 

5. Stir & garnish with a mint sprig and 3 fresh raspberries 

6. Take a picture of your masterpiece and tag us on Facebook / Instagram

7. Enjoy! 

We'd love to hear what you think! Drop your comments below. 

What cocktail should we try next? Craving a cocktail with one of our spirits, but not sure what to make? Send us an email, or message on Facebook / Instagram


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